


Remember that crazy, difficult thing you experienced and went through?

That tough situation you were once in!

That breakthrough you finally achieved?

I want to help you discover how every stumble in your journey can transform into a standing ovation! Each twist of your life story has the potential to leave a lasting impact on the audience of life’s stage. I’m dedicated to helping you harness the power of your experiences, turning them into empowering performances that inspire others and propel you towards your greatness & success.

This is My Story.

Let me tell you, I was raised on a philosophy of making messes, taking risks, and coloring way outside the lines!

Picture this: a small, snow-drenched town called North Bay in Ontario, Canada—perfect for outdoor adventures, they said. But for me, it was the stage that beckoned. With an entrepreneur dad and a mom keeping the wheels turning at Ontario Hydro, our household was like a snow globe of excitement and challenges. My dad’s bouts with alcoholism sometimes made things rocky, but my mom? She was the glue holding us all together, juggling bills and keeping our ship afloat.

Then, one fateful day, a neighbor pointed me towards the local dance studio. And let me tell you, stepping through that door was like finding the golden ticket! Suddenly, the chaos at home faded into the background, replaced by the rhythm of the music and the joy of movement. Dancing wasn’t just a hobby—it was my sanctuary, my safe haven from the storm.

But let me tell you, chasing my passion was like dancing through a maze of challenges! Money was tighter than my jazz pants, and my mom, bless her heart, had a plateful managing bills, my dance lessons, my brothers’ activities, and the daily grind. Yet, fueled by sheer determination and a sweet tooth for success, I cooked up a plan. I started a mini candy empire right out of my garage, peddling sugary delights to the neighborhood kids. Sure, they weren’t the healthiest snacks, but they sure brought in the dough! With every candy bar sold, I inched closer to my dream pair of dance shoes. Those early business ventures taught me that with a sprinkle of resourcefulness and a dash of resilience, the sweet rewards are yours for the taking!

As the years rolled on, the challenges just kept pirouetting into my life. By the time I hit 19, my parents had parted ways, and the purse strings were pulled tighter than a tutu knot. So, armed with nothing but $900 and a heart full of dreams, I set out on my own adventure. I slung plates as a waitress, squirreling away every tip and spare cent to afford the private triple-threat school that I knew would whisk me closer to my dreams.

After completing my education, I dove headfirst into entrepreneurship, opening my own dance studio. From there, my journey took unexpected turns—building a music theatre program at a prestigious college, leading the dance department, and eventually launching my own coaching business. Along the way, I worked with a diverse range of clients, from Olympians to celebrities, helping them unlock their full potential.

Through the highs and the lows, I’ve discovered that every obstacle is like a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed. The challenges I’ve faced have been like pirouettes—testing my balance, my resolve, and my belief in the power of positivity. And you know what I’ve learned? Success isn’t just about talent; it’s about grit, gumption, and the unwavering faith in yourself to overcome any obstacle that dares to cross your path.

So, if you’re navigating your own stormy seas, know this: you’re not alone. With the right mindset and a sprinkle of determination, you can turn your dreams into reality. My journey is living proof of that. And guess what? I’m here to be your partner in crime, your coach, and your cheerleader as you pen the next thrilling chapter of your story.

Welcome to my world—a world of resilience, determination, and the unshakeable belief that with a little sweat and sparkle, you can achieve anything your heart desires. I’m here to reveal to you how your journey through the mess can transform into your ultimate success story! Each twist and turn in your life holds the potential to not only impact others positively but also to unveil your own greatness. Together, let’s navigate this path, and I’ll guide you to discover your moment to shine brightly on the stage of your dreams.”